Sponsored Residential Home Services
Sponsored residential services are often compared to adult foster care in that it provides an opportunity for an individual to live with a private family or caregiver instead of a home with other residents. Caregivers are hired and trained through agencies that are licensed by the state. These caregivers or “sponsors” provide all of the direct care just as the staff in the group home. Sponsors also have the flexibility of providing more one-on-one attention and more opportunities for community integration.
Another unique aspect of sponsored residential services is that parents and family members can also be certified to be sponsors and get paid for caring for their disabled family member. Some are opposed to family members getting paid to be caregivers but we think it’s a great idea. The program was originally established for rural areas of Virginia where there were limited service providers. It was actually less expensive to train family members and caregivers than to put people in facilities. In addition, the money that the family makes balances out because many parents of special needs children (or adults) have a difficult time maintaining a regular job due to the constant doctor appointments, therapy sessions, and meetings centered around services. Family members would have a better knowledge of the individual’s needs than staff in a group home. This option would also be most appropriate for individuals with specialized medical needs that can be best managed by a family member.